Reset Audacity Default Settings

Set the Audacity project rate to the same rate as the Default Format for your sound device. To view the 'Default Format', go to the Windows Control Panel, select the Playback' and 'Recording' tabs in turn, right-click over a device entry Properties, and look in the 'Advanced' tab. If the playback and recording format rates are different, make. To get Audacity working, I had to make some changes in sound settings from Control panel. The changes made were not fruitful because when I start recording I hear nothing except a glitched loud noise, these changes did nothing but gave me more problems. It is deliberately non-administratorit is deliberately set to W7 default settings with hidden files and folders, it is deliberately frequently reset to Audacity defaults in order that I can test things like this in the Manual the way a 'civilian' user of Audacity would (and so I can document default.

How To Reset Audacity Settings

Filter your Music with Audacity: Audacity gives you access to change most of the settings based on your preferences with the help of Preferences dialog toolbar in Audacity. If you are using Audacity in Windows then you would find it under Audacity menu section.

Want to know what’s hidden in the Preferences dialog box? It includes various sections, all accessible for free. Take a look at the settings that you can change for your audio track using Preferences dialog:

  • A new command has been added to the Help menu: Help Reset Configuration. This resets your Audacity configuration, preferences, export settings and toolbars, to default settings.
  • Another way to completely reset 2.0 preferences on a machine which has previously run 1.2 is to delete the old 1.2 settings file as well as audacity.cfg. The 1.2 settings are stored in the.
  • Spectrogram: The spectrogram display of your audio track can be change as per your choice.
  • Mouse: Let your mouse command the shortcuts.
  • Device: Isn’t it great to have this option in Audacity. Here you can select your audio host or recording channel. MIDI playback on your system.
  • Playback setting: This helps you cut the length and effects of your music track.
  • Libraries: Here you can download LAME content with ease.
  • Format: Choose the options for conversion in between sample rate and format.
  • Recording: With this setting, newly recorded tracks can be name easily along with latency, sound-activated recording, and playthrough.
  • Effects: Sort effects as per preferences, either enable or disable using LADSPA, VAMP., LV2.

Storing the preferences


In Audacity, preferences are stored in a configured file, namely audacity.cfg. It is a text file, which you can change anytime. And, you can see this file in Audacity’s folder of application data.

The place of storage varies depending upon the system which you are using. For example:

Windows: User>AppData>Roaming>Audacity

It isn’t as complicated as it looks here. And, your preferences will be saved anyway in the software. However, you just have to a little searching to find your saved file.

By default, the settings will remain the same even if you upgrade the previous version of Audacity or reinstall it. Therefore, you do not have to worry about losing your preferences. Because, Audacity has the ability to retain the settings from the previous version.


Default Playback Speed Audacity

If you experience any crash or disturbing behaviours after resetting preferences from Preferences toolbar, you must reset the preferences to default settings by directly exiting from Audacity. Or, you can also delete audacity.cfg file from Audacity. However, this does not happen often in Audacity. But, you should still be careful while using Preferences dialog.

There will be time where you wish to have a change in the tune or simply to fix your mistakes in the entire track. And, there might be numerous reasons to edit your recorded track in your digital workstation. Let it be any reason, Audacity’s Preferences dialog offers you great comfort to change default settings and set your own settings to make the song track even more cheerful.

Reset Audacity To Default Settings

Reset Audacity Default Settings

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